7 thoughts you have when you start climbing

The first few times you climb, you may experience a plethora of emotions. Here's what it's like to start climbing, according to most climbers.

1. All of the holds are so far away! How will I ever reach them?

2. My forearms hurt.

3. That was so easy! How come I couldn't do that before?

4. AHHH MY ARMS! I can't even open a jar of peanut butter with my useless hands. Why do I like climbing again?

5. Oh yeah, because I could definitely escape if my evil Uncle Scar was holding me at the edge of Pride Rock.


7. My forearms are killing me, but I like it. I can't wait to climb again!

In case you couldn't sleep because you were wondering: the jar guy DID open the jar eventually.

Any other thoughts to add to this list?

Climbers: Alyssa Colosi (me), Danae Polsin, Russ Follet, Nate Lyzemberger

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