When you need to stop thinking and go in

Women only accept challenges that they already know how to do, whereas men take more of a "let's try it to see if I know how to do it" approach.
"One reason women avoid new challenges is that they worry too much about whether they currently have the skills they need for a new role... Women need to shift from thinking "I’m not ready to do that" to thinking "I want to do that—and I’ll learn by doing it." 
-Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In

As you may know, I am a woman. So I'm a little ashamed to admit that the friend that told me me that "it's time to stop deliberating about this blog and start doing it" is a man. In the months before tonight, I put off publishing posts on this blog. I didn't accept the challenge since I didn't already know how to do it. I was worried you would read my posts and say:
  • That post wasn't helpful.
  • I wish she would post videos about this instead.
  • I already knew that technique.
But I want you to say these things. Otherwise I'll never know how to make this blog better. And, somebody needs to give me constructive criticism so I'm not so dang happy all the time. ;-)
Just like I'm learning to rock climb better, I'm learning to blog better. And I've got to learn by doing it. One can't learn to blog better just by thinking about it. One also can't learn to rock climb better just by thinking about it. There comes a point when you have to just do it. So, I leave you with this my friends: please don't just read these posts and watch these videos. Do something about them.
  • Try new techniques
  • Try telling me what you hated about the posts
  • Try new routes
"If you never try you'll never know." -Coldplay

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