What this blog is not about

Typical blogs have an "About" page. But this blog is not typical. So, it's going to have a "Not About" post.

Here is what this blog is not about:
  1. This blog is not a travel log or guide book. Don't let me explain the details of my trip and the routes I climbed on [insert date] in [insert random location]. You're probably not going to go there, and plenty of climbing blogs like that already exist.
  2. This blog does not have grammy-award-winning videos. The purpose of the videos is to learn, not to show-off any exceptional cinematography. I'm more interested in climbing techniques than filming techniques.
  3. This blog is not an end-all-be-all. I don't know everything. There is plenty to learn from other sites too. And I'll link to them when I find particularly helpful climbing advice or insight. There is also plenty to learn from other climbers, and from trying out different advice to see what works for you. Learn with me.


  1. So you need to be a rock climber.click over here now You'd get a kick out of the chance to climb a rock divider or possibly hang off the side of a rock development some place.
